Fruit Trees for Sale from Orange Pippin
We are fruit tree specialists, supplying a wide range of UK-grown fruit trees, suitable for the garden or community orchard, backed by friendly and knowledgeable advice. We have tried to make our website the most comprehensive online resource for buying fruit trees.
Fruit Tree Gift Certificates available, ideal for presents for birthdays or wedding gifts.
Advice on choosing and growing fruit trees
To get started, either browse through our Tree Catalogue. or go to our Tree Search page, where you can find your perfect fruit tree by choosing from rootstocks, tree forms, pollination groups, picking season and dozens of other criteria.
Our Help and Advice section has lots of resources to help you choose the best fruit trees for your garden, along with advice on planting and growing them.
Why buy fruit trees from us by mail-order?
- We offer a personal service to help you choose the right fruit trees for your needs, by phone or email - we promise to take good care of you.
- The vast majority of the fruit trees that you see on our website are varieties that we have personal experience of.
- We are fruit tree enthusiasts like you. We are a sister website of, where you can register your fruit trees and share your tasting notes with other enthusiasts.
- We offer fruit trees on a range of different rootstocks, which will control the mature size of the tree. In many cases we have a choice of bare-root or container-grown fruit trees.
- The fruit trees we supply are of good quality, with a good root system, from nurseries that we work closely with. Quality control procedures ensure the trees are healthy, and accurately labelled. All our trees are grown in England.
- Our trees are roughly the same price as you might find in a local garden centre, but we probably offer a wider range, and our specialist staff can advise on the best varieties for your needs.
- We welcome orders for delivery to western Europe, and our trees have the necessary EU Plant Passport.
To select your fruit trees review our stock availability, or browse by fruit category or see our collections of fruit trees or choose one of our orchard packs if you want to start your own small orchard.