Orange Pippin researches and creates original descriptions of trees, plants, and fruit - often based on first-hand experience by our team of writers. Unless otherwise stated, all articles, descriptions and images on this website are copyright Orange Pippin Ltd. and may not be copied, re-used, re-sold or adapted without our permission.
Copyright applies to the website content (articles, images and descriptions) and to the Orange Pippin fruit tree database (""database right"") which this website uses. For further details about the Orange Pippin fruit database and associated acknowledgements please view the copyright statement on our sister site.
For more information about copyright of online content see the Intellectual Property Office and the United States Copyright Office, and this Wikipedia article about the Digital Millenium Copyright Act as it applies to copyright on the Internet.
If you wish to use any of the content on this website please read the following explanation first - or just contact us on our Enquiry Form.
Licensing of images
All images on this website are copyright Orange Pippin Ltd. Use of our images means you accept these terms and conditions.
a) Non-commercial re-use
You are welcome to re-use our images on personal websites, blogs, Pinterest, online articles etc., without requesting permission.
You may also use our images on printed materials for non-commercial purposes, e.g. school projects. We can provide higher resolution versions more suitable for printing if required.
If you are not sure whether your usage is commercial or not, please contact us first - rest assured that we are keen to support projects which encourage the planting of fruit trees.
b) Commercial re-use - print media
If you wish to use our images for commercial purposes in printed media such as books or posters, you must obtain written permission from us first. In most cases there will be no charge if the project is educational.
c) Commercial re-use - online media
If you wish to use our images for commercial purposes, e.g. online shops, Amazon shops, Ebay, commercial websites, you must obtain written permission from us first. We do not tolerate any unlicensed use of our images and we do take action to enforce our copyright.
Prices vary depending on the image and type of usage. The current price for usage of any of our images on Ebay or Amazon is $675 / €565 / £450 per image, plus sales tax where appropriate.
We can provide higher-resolution originals than those displayed on our website.
Our images may not be re-sold.
Copyright acknowledgement is usually required, but may be in the form of a generic acknowledgement rather than on the page where the image is used.
Contact us on our Enquiry Form for more details.
Licensing of articles and product descriptions
a) Online media
We do not permit duplication, adaptation, or re-use of our articles, regardless of whether your website is commercial or not-for-profit. You may however use small excerpts or quotations within your own content, provided you include a reference or acknowledgement to the corresponding page on our website.
Full or partial descriptions are charged at $675 / €565 / £450 per variety.
If you like our content we may be able to provide similar content for you. This may be chargeable if it is for your commercial website, or non-chargeable if it is for an educational project. Please contact us to find out more.
b) Print media
We can provide content for your printed publications but you must ask for permission first. For short articles there is usually only a nominal charge. Please contact us in the first instance to discuss your requirements.
Historical weather data
The historicial weather data used on our website is © Crown Copyright 2009. The UK Climate Projections data have been made available by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) under licence from the Met Office, Newcastle University, University of East Anglia and Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. These organisations accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions in the data, nor for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused to any person or body by reason of, or arising out of, any use of this data.