Spring 2025Last week to order bare-rooted trees!
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Fruit tree delivery - Western Europe

Update - January 2021. As a result of Brexit we are no longer able to send trees to Europe. We recommend Thomas Fruit Trees, based in France, who can send trees to most European destinations.

Details of our European fruit tree delivery service

We often get enquiries from UK fruit tree enthusiasts who have holiday homes in the sunnier climates of France, Italy, Spain and other areas in western Europe. Whilst these countries have their own excellent traditional varieties, local nurseries tend not to have heard of Cox's Orange Pippin, or Bramley's Seedling, or the damsons and Victoria plums which are so strongly associated with life in the United Kingdom.

If you own a holiday home or have emigrated to western Europe, we can help you grow a taste of home in your garden. All our fruit trees have the EU "plant passport" certification, so they can be shipped to most destinations in western Europe.

Delivery from our nursery will take approximately 7 days.

European deliveries can only take place in the period November - February. If you live in a country with very cold winters then delivery may be best in early spring.

We can only supply bare-root trees for delivery to European destinations. We cannot supply container-grown trees because the weight of the container makes it likely that the tree will be broken in transit. 

We can deliver to Ireland, but we cannot deliver to any other European islands (e.g. Balearic Islands, Malta, Cyprus etc.).

We are also restricted to using delivery cartons with a maximum height of 1.5m. Since many of our trees are taller than this we have to cut them down just before despatch. This may look harsh but rest assured it does them no harm, in fact you would need to do this on planting anyway.

The restrictions imposed on us by couriers change frequently and arbitrarily. This means that delivery dates are always uncertain and liable to change or cancellation at any point in the process.

Unfortunately we do not offer any guarantees on trees supplied to Europe.


Climate suitability

Most UK fruit tree varieties adapt well to other western European climates and we can offer advice on climate suitability, based on feedback we have received from other customers. Contrary to popular belief the place of origin of a fruit tree variety is not a reliable guide to how it will perform in a different climate. Often the choice of rootstock (particularly for mountainous areas or areas with hot dry summers) is as important as the choice of variety.


How to order fruit trees for delivery to western Europe

To order fruit trees for delivery to Europe, please visit our European partner's fruit tree sales website.