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Importing trees to the Channel Islands

Unfortunately we are unable to send fruit trees to the Channel Islands because of delivery difficulties and costs.

Private individuals are however allowed to take trees and plants to the Channel Islands, provided they are not for resale. A UK plant passport is not required in order to take permitted trees purchased on the mainland back to the Channel Islands.

However there are some important exceptions which apply particularly to fruit trees. This is because the Channel Islands have a Pest Free Area (PFA) status for several pests and diseases which are endemic to fruit trees on the mainland, in particular fireblight.

Fruit trees which cannot be taken the Channel Islands

Because of the fireblight risk you cannot take Apple trees, Medlar trees, Pear trees, and Quince trees to the Channel Islands. This restriction also applies to several ornamental species which are also potential carriers of fireblight, such as Hawthorn trees, Amelanchier trees, and Sorbus (Rowan) trees. (Commercial growers and nurseries can import these species provided they have the necessary phytosanitary certification).

Fruit trees which can be taken to the Chanel Islands

Fruit trees which can be taken to the Channel Islands include plum trees, cherry trees, peach trees, apricot trees, and mulberry trees.

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