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Questions about Cox's Orange Pippin


I would like to plant a Cox's orange pipin apple tree in my garden. Can you advise which of your trees would best suit. Will one self fertilising tree do?

I want apples to eat and cook with. Is Queen Cox better.

Which part of a garden and in what soil would this tree best suit.

Also how soon would I expect to see fruit?

Published: 27-Dec-2018


Thanks for your enquiry. Yes, a single self-fertilising tree will be fine. If you are in a town or city you may find there are other apple trees nearby as well, which will help. Queen Cox is very well regarded for flavour but there is not a lot in it between the different variations of Cox's Orange Pippin.

Cox is not the easiest or most reliable of varieties, and you might want to look at one of the alternatives which are closely related, such as Kidd's Orange Red, Fiesta, Sunset. Some of those other varieties are close in flavour and easier to grow though.

Cox's Orange Pippin is really best for eating fresh, although it is often used in chutneys and preserves. It can be used for juice as well.

Apple trees are not too fussy over soil, but for dessert apples the sunniest part of the garden is preferable.

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