Brownlees Russet apple trees
Malus domestica Brownlees Russet is a classic English russet apple from the Victorian era. It has the traditional firm flesh and sweet fruity flavour often associated with russets.
It is primarily a dessert apple, but can be used in the kitchen too, and the juice quality is very good,
The apples ripen in the late season, and also store well.
Brownlees Russet also has notably attractive spring blossom.
Brownlees Russet apple trees for sale
BR11-year bare-root treeMM106 rootstock£34.95
Large tree
(3m-5m after 10 years)
Out of stock
Please try next season
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Tree specification
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Delivery charges
Delivery for a single tree starts at £9.95, it is calculated based on your postcode.
Brownlees Russet was introduced around 1848 by William Brownlees of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. It's ancestry is not known.
Brownlees Russet characteristics
- Gardening skillBeginner
- Self-fertilitySelf-fertile
- Flowering group3
- Pollinating othersAverage
- Fruit bearingSpur-bearer
- Climate suitabilityTemperate climatesMild damp climates
- Picking seasonLate
- CroppingGood
- Keeping (of fruit)3 months or more
- Food usesEating freshCulinaryJuice
- Country of originUnited Kingdom
- Period of origin1800 - 1849
- Blossom colourPink
- Fruit colourRusset
British-grown trees 
Unlike many garden centres and online retailers, the vast majority of our fruit trees are grown in the UK.
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In addition, all our trees are certified under the Plant Healthy scheme, supervised by the Plant Health Alliance.
Other stakeholders include Defra and the RHS. The scheme aims to improve UK biosecurity by setting standards
for all growers and retailers involved in selling plants in the UK.
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Guaranteed fruit trees
When you buy your fruit tree from Orange Pippin Fruit Trees we guarantee it for the first season in your garden whilst it gets established. If it doesn't grow successfully, we'll either replace it the following season or offer a refund - subject to some conditions.
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More about apple trees
Apple trees are generally easy to grow, and because there are so many apple varieties there is invariably a good choice for almost any growing situation, from cool temperate to subtropical.
Apples are perhaps the most versatile of all temperate fruits, and one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. Almost all cultivated apple varieties belong to the species Malus domestica, and are botanically part of the Rose family - apple blossom has an obvious resemblance to wild rose flowers. Apples trees were one of the earliest fruit trees to be cultivated, and originate from central Asia. There are now thousands of different apple cultivars or varieties.
Apples display perhaps a greater range of flavours, appearance, and texture than any other tree fruits. This diversity makes apples a particularly satisifying fruit for home cultivation. Without much difficulty (or space) one can grow a number of different apple trees which will keep a family supplied with fresh apples from mid-summer to late autumn, and with a good spread of flavours and uses.