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Warner's King apple trees

Malus domestica
Warner's King has received the RHS Award of Garden MeritWarner's King is listed in the RHS Plants for Pollinators
  • Picking season: Late
  • Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
  • Flowering group: 2
  • Awards: RHS AGM (current) 1993

Warner's King is an old English cooking apple, known since the late 18th century, and still quietly popular today.

Like many traditional cookers it produces very large green / yellow apples. The apples cook down to a puree with a good strong apple flavour.

Warner's King apple trees for sale


  • BR12-year bush-trained bare-root treeMM106 rootstock£45.25
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
  • BR21-year bare-root treeM25 rootstock£35.75
    Very large tree (4m-7m after 10 years)
  • BR32-year (1.75m) bare-root treeM25 rootstock£46.95< 5 in stock
    Very large tree (4m-7m after 10 years)

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Tree specification

Photos of trees as supplied | Tree sizes and forms

Next deliveries

Order now for delivery from week commencing 10th March

Delivery charges

Delivery for a single tree starts at £9.95, it is calculated based on your postcode.

Growing and Training

Warner's King is a triploid variety, which means it is not a good pollinator of other apple trees, but like many triploid varieties it grows as a vigorous and generally disease-free tree.

Recommended pollinators for Warner's King apple trees

Warner's King is not self-fertile and is also a poor pollinator of other varieties. Ideally you need two other different but compatible varieties planted nearby in order to produce fruit, or one compatible self-fertile variety. The following varieties are good pollinators for Warner's King. If you are not sure about pollination requirements don't hesitate to ask us. More pollinators >

  • Pollinator Red Windsor
    Red Windsor
    Red Windsor is one of the easiest to grow of all dessert apple trees, and with a pleasant apple flavour.
  • Pollinator Egremont Russet
    Egremont Russet
    Egremont Russet is the most popular English russet variety, and a good apple tree for the garden.
  • Pollinator Red Sentinel
    Red Sentinel
    Malus Red Sentinel has classic white blossom and a profusion of tiny scarlet persistent fruits.
  • Pollinator Greensleeves
    Greensleeves is a reliable and popular mid-season green/yellow apple, easy to grow and productive.
  • Pollinator Bountiful
    Bountiful is an easy-to-grow cooking apple, it retains its shape when cooked, fairly sweet for a cooker.
  • Pollinator Pink Glow
    Pink Glow
    Malus Dolgo, also known as Pink Glow, offers early-season white flowers and very attractive dark pink fruits. It is exceptionally cold-hardy.
  • Pollinator Keswick Codlin
    Keswick Codlin
    Keswick Codlin is a popular early-season cooking apple, easy to grow, and productive in most climates.
  • Pollinator Bardsey
    A hardy disease-resistant apple, discovered growing on an island off the west coast of Wales.

Warner's King characteristics


  • Self-fertilityNot self-fertile
  • Flowering group2
  • Pollinating othersPoor


  • Picking seasonLate
  • Keeping (of fruit)1-2 months


  • AwardsRHS AGM (current)

British-grown trees Trees grown in the UK.

Unlike many garden centres and online retailers, the vast majority of our fruit trees are grown in the UK. Find out more.

In addition, all our trees are certified under the Plant Healthy scheme, supervised by the Plant Health Alliance. Other stakeholders include Defra and the RHS. The scheme aims to improve UK biosecurity by setting standards for all growers and retailers involved in selling plants in the UK. Find out more

Guaranteed fruit trees

When you buy your fruit tree from Orange Pippin Fruit Trees we guarantee it for the first season in your garden whilst it gets established. If it doesn't grow successfully, we'll either replace it the following season or offer a refund - subject to some conditions. Find out more.

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