- See also:
- Sour Cherry trees1
Sweet cherries
Sweet cherries are primarily used for eating fresh - for best flavour eat straight from the tree.
Amber Heart
The most popular traditional English white cherry, widely known as Kent Bigarreau.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
A natural dwarf sweet cherry tree, unlikely to get much bigger than 2m.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
Black Oliver
A traditional English black cherry from the West Midlands.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Colney is a large modern late-season English dessert cherry, dark red/black, with a good flavour.- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Early Red Maraly®
Early Red is a modern dark red sweet cherry with a firm flesh.- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
A modern self-fertile dark-red cherry, notable for its very large cherries.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
A large dark red English cherry with a good flavour.- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Knight's Early Black
A traditional English early-season black cherry- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Kordia is a large late-season true black cherry variety with a good balanced cherry flavour.- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Merton Glory
A well-known mid-season English white cherry.- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Napoleon Bigarreau
A traditional white cherry, with an excellent flavour and appearance.- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Nimba is a modern large-fruited red sweet cherry, ripening right at the start of the cherry season.- Picking season: Very early
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Pacific Red®
Pacific Red is a modern large-fruited red sweet cherry with a firm flesh.- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
Penny is a high quality late-season black cherry - ripening in mid-August.- Picking season: Very late
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Regina is a new late-season sweet black cherry, with a good flavour and resistance to splitting.- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
One of the best of the Canadian late-season cherries.- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
Stardust is a new mid-season white cherry which is also fully self-fertile.£64.50buy- Picking season: Early
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
Summer Sun
Summer Sun is productive mid-season cherry, and should ripen even if the summer weather is less than perfect.£57.75 - £63.50buy- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
Sweetheart is one of the best-flavoured late-season cherries for the UK climate.£59.00 - £64.50buy- Picking season: Late
- Self-fertility: Self-fertile
Sylvia produces large dark red sweet cherries, ripening in the middle of the cherry season. It is a naturally small tree and grows with a columnar form, useful if space is limited.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
Waterloo is a traditional English sweet cherry with a red / black skin.- Picking season: Mid
- Self-fertility: Not self-fertile