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Beth pear trees

Pyrus communis
Beth pears
Beth has received the RHS Award of Garden MeritBeth is listed in the RHS Plants for Pollinators
  • Picking season: Early late August / early September
  • Self-fertility: Not self-fertile
  • Flowering group: 3
  • Awards: RHS AGM (current) 1993

Beth is an excellent early-season pear, very well suited to the UK climate. It grows in a neat and compact fashion (although quite upright like most pears), and cropping is very good in most situations.

It has a particularly good flavour, with the characteristic melting texture usually associated with the French pear varieties.

In short Beth is the ideal pear for the allotment or back garden.


Beth pear trees for sale


All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.

All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.

  • PG12-year bush-trained 11.5L pot-grown tree Quince Eline rootstock£62.00
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Medium tree (2m-3m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • PG22-year bush-trained 12L pot-grown tree Quince A rootstock£57.75
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • PG3Premium half-standard 12L pot-grown tree Quince A rootstock£63.50
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season


  • BR11-year bare-root treeQuince Eline rootstock£39.75
    Medium tree (2m-3m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR22-year bush-trained bare-root treeQuince Eline rootstock£47.95
    Medium tree (2m-3m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR31-year bare-root treeQuince A rootstock£38.25
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR42-year bush-trained bare-root treeQuince A rootstock£47.50
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR52-year bare-root treeQuince A rootstock£47.50
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season

Need help? Ask our fruit tree experts

Call us on 01759 392007 or fill in our contact form.

Tree specification

Photos of trees as supplied | Tree sizes and forms

Delivery charges

Delivery for a single tree starts at £9.95, it is calculated based on your postcode.

Growing and Training

Beth is one of the easiest pears to grow, and along with Invincible and Conference is a good choice if you have less than perfect conditions.

Beth is a low-vigour variety, yet with a heavy cropping potential. This combination can lead to small fruit size, but this is readily addressed by thinning the fruitlets in late May - thinning is a particularly effective technique with Beth.

Beth comes into bearing quite young by the standards of most pears, you are likely to get some fruit within 2-3 years. However, be wary of letting it fruit too heavily too early, as this can slow further growth of the tree.

The picking season is starts at the end of August in the southern UK, a bit later further north. Beth is one of the few pear varieties that you can eat straight off the tree - most should be picked when still hard and ripened indoors.

Beth is self-sterile so needs a pollination partner, but will be pollinated by a large number of other pear varieties.

Pears are generally more tolerant than apples to wet soils, but much less tolerant of drought conditions. Like all pears, Beth benefits from watering during the spring, as soon as the blossom starts to appear - if there is insufficient rain then apply 4-5 litres of water per day.

Recommended pollinators for Beth pear trees

Beth is not self-fertile, so you will need another different but compatible variety planted nearby in order to produce fruit. The following varieties are good pollinators for Beth. If you are not sure about pollination requirements don't hesitate to ask us. More pollinators >

  • Pollinator Conference
    Conference is a popular and reliable English pear, well-suited to the UK climate.
  • Pollinator Obelisk
    A useful dwarf pear tree for small gardens, it grows with a tidy upright habit and is self-fertile.
  • Pollinator Winter Nelis
    Winter Nelis
    A late-season dessert pear from Belgium, with an excellent sweet flavour.
  • Pollinator Fondante d'Automne
    Fondante d'Automne
    An old fashioned French pear with a notably sweet flavour.
  • Pollinator Glou Morceau
    Glou Morceau
    A traditional 18th century Belgian pear with a notably rich sweet flavour.
  • Pollinator Josephine de Malines
    Josephine de Malines
    A classic 19th century winter pear with a high quality flavour.
  • Pollinator Louise Bonne of Jersey
    Louise Bonne of Jersey
    An attractive red-flushed French pear variety with sweet melting flesh.
  • Pollinator Moonglow
    A high quality early season dessert and culinary pear, very resistant to fireblight.


Beth was developed at the East Malling Research Station in the UK in the 1930s by Henry Tydeman (who also developed many apple varieties including Tydeman's Late Orange). Beth is a cross between Beurre Superfin and Williams' Bon Chretien.

Beth characteristics


  • Gardening skillBeginner
  • Self-fertilityNot self-fertile
  • Flowering group3
  • Pollinating othersAverage
  • Fruit bearingSpur-bearer
  • Climate suitabilityTemperate climates


  • Picking seasonEarly
  • CroppingHeavy
  • Keeping (of fruit)1 week
  • Food usesEating fresh


  • Scab (Apple and Pear)Some resistance


  • Country of originUnited Kingdom
  • Period of origin1900 - 1949
  • Fruit colourGreen - light
  • AwardsRHS AGM (current)

British-grown trees Trees grown in the UK.

Unlike many garden centres and online retailers, the vast majority of our fruit trees are grown in the UK. Find out more.

In addition, all our trees are certified under the Plant Healthy scheme, supervised by the Plant Health Alliance. Other stakeholders include Defra and the RHS. The scheme aims to improve UK biosecurity by setting standards for all growers and retailers involved in selling plants in the UK. Find out more

Guaranteed fruit trees

When you buy your fruit tree from Orange Pippin Fruit Trees we guarantee it for the first season in your garden whilst it gets established. If it doesn't grow successfully, we'll either replace it the following season or offer a refund - subject to some conditions. Find out more.

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