Spring 2025Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Tel. 01759 392007

Victoria plum trees

Prunus domestica
Victoria has received the RHS Award of Garden MeritVictoria is listed in the RHS Plants for Pollinators
  • Picking season: Mid Late August
  • Self-fertility: Self-fertile
  • Flowering group: 3
  • Awards: RHS AGM (current) 1993

Victoria is by far the most popular plum variety in the UK, dating from the Victorian era, and well-known for heavy crops of very attractive plum-coloured fruit.

Victoria really excels as a culinary plum. It cooks to a distinctive pink/orange puree which makes a very good jam and a good-flavoured filling for pies and crumbles. The stone is semi-clinging, and fairly easy to remove from the flesh. The flavour has a good sweet/sharp balance, and there is often a note of almond in the background which is a characteristic of Victoria.

Victoria plums are sometimes considered inferior to other dessert plum varieties for eating fresh. However this assumption is probably based on the poor flavour of shop-bought Victoria plums, which are usually picked far too early. The plums will ripen over a period of several weeks and if you want to eat them rather than cook with them, leave the plums on the tree until they are fully ripe - the skins will start to become a darker red /purple (as in our photograph) rather than the more usual orange flushed colour. At this point the flavour will certainly not disappoint.

This combination of excellent culinary qualities along with good flavour for eating fresh makes Victoria one of the most versatile plum varieties for the UK grower.

Because of the popularity of Victoria plum trees we have a lot of different forms for sale. If you are not sure which one to choose here are some recommendations:

  • You will get the quickest results with a Medium size 2-year bare-root bush-trained tree on the VVA1 rootstock, provided you don't mind planting between November-January.
  • If you are giving a Victoria plum tree as a gift the Medium size bush-trained tree on the VVA1 rootstock in a 12L pot is the best choice.
  • If you want to train a Victoria plum tree as a fan against a fence or wall, choose the 1-year bare-root tree on St. Julien or Wavit rootstocks (the extra vigour over the VVA1 is useful in this situation).

If you want further advice about choosing a Victoria plum tree please use the Contact Us link at the top of the page.

Victoria plum trees for sale


All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.

All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.

  • PG12-year bush-trained 12L pot-grown tree VVA-1 rootstock£62.00
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Medium tree (2m-3m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • PG22-year bush-trained 12L pot-grown tree St. Julien rootstock£60.50
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
  • PG3Premium half-standard 12L pot-grown tree St. Julien rootstock£63.50
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)


  • BR12-year bush-trained bare-root treeVVA-1 rootstock£49.75
    Medium tree (2m-3m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR21-year bare-root treeWeiwa rootstock£43.75
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR31-year bare-root treeSt. Julien rootstock£38.75
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR42-year bush-trained bare-root treeSt. Julien rootstock£47.50
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR52-year half-standard bare-root treeSt. Julien rootstock£51.00
    Large tree (3m-5m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season
  • BR61-year bare-root treeBrompton rootstock£41.25
    Very large tree (4m-7m after 10 years)
    Out of stock
    Please try next season

Need help? Ask our fruit tree experts

Call us on 01759 392007 or fill in our contact form.

Tree specification

Photos of trees as supplied | Tree sizes and forms

Next deliveries

Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March

Delivery charges

Delivery for a single tree starts at £9.95, it is calculated based on your postcode.

Growing and Training

Victoria is easy to grow but there are a couple of problems to look out for. Firstly it is susceptible to silver leaf and bacterial canker, the two classic plum diseases. Bacterial canker is more prevalent in the wetter climates of the western UK, and is less of an issue elsewhere. Silverleaf is a fungal disease and trees are most at risk in winter, so for this reason never prune a Victoria plum (or any plum variety) in winter, always wait until early summer - or preferably try to avoid pruning altogether. In practice, Victoria plum trees usually grow enthusiastically and tend to shrug off most problems.

Victoria has a wide climate range and provided you can give it a sheltered spot will grow successfully as far north as Aberdeen, as well as on the south coast. It grows well in the dry climate of the east of England, but should also be productive in the mild damp climate of the west of the UK. It is popular on the Continent, being relatively cold-hardy and able to cope with cold Continental winters, as well as hot Mediterranean summers.

Victoria produces a lot of pollen and is a useful pollinator of other mid-season flowering plum varieties. The blossom is also more frost-resistant than that of many other plums.

Left un-trained, most plum trees will grow into a standard tree-shape - but this is not the best structure for supporting the heavy crops which Victoria is capable of. A Victoria plum with a branch broken under the weight of fruit is an all too-common sight - and of course broken branches are ideal entry points for the fungal diseases to which Victoria is susceptible. This problem can be avoided by encouraging the young tree to grow as a shorter-stemmed bush with wide-spreading branches and the central leader retained, or supported as a fan on a wall. Thinning the fruitlets during May will also help, and the remaining plums will be larger and have a more concentrated flavour.

Even if you thin the fruitlets Victoria is invariably a very heavy-cropping tree, in fact probably the heaviest-cropping of all European plums. In a trial carried out by FAST (who run the UK National Fruit Collections) in 2011, Victoria plum trees yielded almost a third more in weight of fruit than the nearest rival, the excellent modern variety Haganta.

Recommended pollinators for Victoria plum trees

Victoria is self-fertile, so you do not need another variety to pollinate it to produce fruit. However you are likely to get a better crop if you plant any of the following pollinator varieties nearby. If you are not sure about pollination requirements don't hesitate to ask us. More pollinators >

  • Pollinator Opal
    Opal is an early plum variety with a good flavour, self-fertile and very easy to grow.
  • Pollinator Cambridge Gage
    Cambridge Gage
    Cambridge Gage is a reliable green gage, similar to Old Green Gage, with an excellent flavour.
  • Pollinator Jubilee
    Jubilee is a new heavy-cropping dessert plum variety, similar to Victoria but larger and more reliable.
  • Pollinator Marjorie's Seedling
    Marjorie's Seedling
    Marjorie's Seedling is an easy to grow, late-season, heavy cropping purple/black plum.
  • Pollinator Farleigh
    One of the hardiest damsons, and crops heavily. Farleigh has the distinctive damson flavour.
  • Pollinator Mirabelle de Nancy
    Mirabelle de Nancy
    Mirabelle de Nancy is the definitive traditional French Mirabelle, originating from north-east France.
  • Pollinator Czar
    Czar is a traditional culinary plum, one of the easiest plums trees, will even fruit on north-facing walls.


Victoria was found growing in a garden in Sussex, in the early 1800s, and introduced for sale in the 1840s by Denyer, a nurseryman from Brixton in south London. Its parentage is unfortunately not known.

Victoria characteristics


  • Gardening skillBeginner
  • Self-fertilitySelf-fertile
  • Flowering group3
  • Pollinating othersGood
  • Climate suitabilityTemperate climates


  • Picking seasonMid
  • CroppingHeavy
  • Keeping (of fruit)1 week
  • Food usesEating freshCulinaryDual purpose


  • Disease resistancePoor


  • Country of originUnited Kingdom
  • Period of origin1800 - 1849
  • Blossom colourWhite
  • Fruit colourRed
  • AwardsRHS AGM (current)

British-grown trees Trees grown in the UK.

Unlike many garden centres and online retailers, the vast majority of our fruit trees are grown in the UK. Find out more.

In addition, all our trees are certified under the Plant Healthy scheme, supervised by the Plant Health Alliance. Other stakeholders include Defra and the RHS. The scheme aims to improve UK biosecurity by setting standards for all growers and retailers involved in selling plants in the UK. Find out more

Guaranteed fruit trees

When you buy your fruit tree from Orange Pippin Fruit Trees we guarantee it for the first season in your garden whilst it gets established. If it doesn't grow successfully, we'll either replace it the following season or offer a refund - subject to some conditions. Find out more.

More about plum trees

Victoria is without doubt the supreme English cooking plum, easily identified by its characteristic orange flesh, and the hint of almond flavour it lends to plum jams and patisseries.

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